Sidsel Dorph-Jensen


Sidsel Dorph-Jensen

Silver fascinates me, because it plays an important part of the special moments in our lives.The value of the material emphasizes the importance of an event when we set the table with it, like big holidays and family gatherings, wedding or anniversary. Or it makes a daily ritual even more beautiful and special. It’s like it has the power to make us appreciate the beautiful and important moments in our lives, and that’s what I love about it.

That’s why I do it.

I create objects to celebrate the beautiful moments in our lives.

Everything is made from the same basis or building blocks.

I used to panic at the thought of designing new stuff, because I wanted it to be novel, never seen before and maybe even inventing the new wheel of silversmithing. That felt like so much pressure. Until I realized that everything has already been done, and that new designs are just new combinations of already existing ideas. That invention and innovation is a slow evolving process, not something that happens overnight. Form and function are new spins on basic principles and structures and if all I focus on is adding my spin to the equation, then my work will be unique.

That’s why I try to cut back to the core and basics of a project, design, even before I draw the first sketch. That way I can focus on the essentials and not get distracted by irrelevant details. I can always add more.